Browsing topics in Wonder, Love, and Praise: a supplement to the Hymnal 1982

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Hymns and Spiritual SongsAdvent and Christmas#721Signs of endings all around us
Hymns and Spiritual SongsAdvent and Christmas#722The desert shall rejoice
Hymns and Spiritual SongsAdvent and Christmas#723Isaiah the prophet has written of old
Hymns and Spiritual SongsAdvent and Christmas#724People, look East. The time is near
Hymns and Spiritual SongsAdvent and Christmas#725Mingxing canlan tiandi ning (Stars shine brightly, earth is still)
Hymns and Spiritual SongsAdvent and Christmas#726Where is this stupendous stranger?
Hymns and Spiritual SongsBaptismal Covenant#765O blessed spring, where Word and sign
Hymns and Spiritual SongsBaptismal Covenant#766You're called by name, forever loved
Hymns and Spiritual SongsBaptismal Covenant#767Baptized in water
Hymns and Spiritual SongsBaptismal Covenant#768I believe in God almighty
Hymns and Spiritual SongsBaptismal Covenant#769I believe in God almighty
Hymns and Spiritual SongsBurial of the Dead#775Give thanks for life, the measure of our days
Hymns and Spiritual SongsBurial of the Dead#776No saint on earth lives life to self alone
Hymns and Spiritual SongsBurial of the Dead#777Sing alleluia forth in duteous praise
Hymns and Spiritual SongsChristian Pilgrimage#753When from bondage we are summoned
Hymns and Spiritual SongsChristian Pilgrimage#754When from bondage we are summoned
Hymns and Spiritual SongsChristian Pilgrimage#755The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
Hymns and Spiritual SongsChristian Pilgrimage#756I am weak and I need thy strength and power
Hymns and Spiritual SongsChristian Pilgrimage#757Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?
Hymns and Spiritual SongsChristian Pilgrimage#758Tú has venido a la orilla (You have come down to the lakeshore)
