Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Children and Youth | Mission | #762 | When the poor ones who have nothing (Cuando el pobre nada tiene) |
Children and Youth | Mission | #763 | To show by touch and word |
Children and Youth | Mission | #764 | There's a spirit in the air |
Children and Youth | Mission | #773 | Jesus bids us shine with a pure, clear light |
Children and Youth | Ordination / Commissioning | #592 | I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry |
Children and Youth | Our Hope in God | #783 | The desert shall rejoice |
Children and Youth | Palm / Passion Sunday | #213 | Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest |
Children and Youth | Palm / Passion Sunday | #215 | Filled with excitement, all the happy throng (Mantos y palmas esparciendo, va) |
Children and Youth | Palm / Passion Sunday | #218 | Hosanna, loud hosanna |
Children and Youth | Peace | #727 | Let there be light |
Children and Youth | Peace | #731 | Farewell, dear friends, stay safe, dear friends |
Children and Youth | Peace | #739 | Lord, make us servants of your peace |
Children and Youth | Peace | #740 | Make me a channel of your peace |
Children and Youth | Peace | #741 | Like a mighty river flowing |
Children and Youth | Profession of Faith | #570 | I have decided to follow Jesus |
Children and Youth | Profession of Faith | #571 | Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart in-a my heart |
Children and Youth | Profession of Faith | #574 | With the Lord as my guide |
Children and Youth | Psalms | #12 | See, all the earth is God's, its people and nations |
Children and Youth | Psalms | #14 | Safe in your hands, O God who made me |
Children and Youth | Psalms | #66 | We are God's people, the sheep of God's pasture |