Browsing topics in The Sunday School Hymnal: with offices of devotion

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Ashamed of Jesus#149Am I a soldier of the cross
Ashamed of Jesus#334Jesus! and shall it ever be
Aspiration#87See, the conqueror mounts in triumph!
Aspiration#171Lord, my heart is rested, strengthened
Aspiration#172O, to be more like Jesus
Aspiration#344From every stormy wind that blows
Assurance#184Come, oh, come with thy broken heart
Assurance#185I have a Friend so precious
Assurance#186Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Assurance#187'Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus
Assurance#188I hear a voice, 'tis soft and sweet
Assurance#189Jesus, only Jesus
Assurance#190Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go
Assurance#191We may not climb the heavenly steeps
Assurance#192Kind words can never die
Assurance#193The great Physician now is near
Assurance#194When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
Assurance#195There's sunshine in my soul today
Assurance#196Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
Assurance#197Out on an ocean all boundless we ride
