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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Praise and Adoration#25Come, worship God, who is worthy of honor
Praise and Adoration#26We give thanks unto you, O God of might
Praise and Adoration#27Te exaltaré, mi Dios, mi Rey (I will exalt you, my God and King)
Praise and Adoration#28Louez le Seigneur! (Praise, praise praise the Lord!)
Praise and Adoration#29God unites his scattered people
Praise and Adoration#30Laudate Dominum (Sing, praise and bless the Lord)
Praise and Adoration#31Let the whole creation cry
Praise and Adoration#32Praise God with the sound of trumpet
Praise and Adoration#33Enter God's presence; joyful worship bring
Praise and Adoration#34Let all creation bless the Lord
Praise and Adoration#35O praise the gracious power
Praise and Adoration#36Creation sings! Each plant and tree
Praise and Adoration#37For the music of creation
Praise and Adoration#38Heaven and earth make known God's power
Praise and Adoration#39Alleluia, alleluia, for the Lord God almighty reigns
Praise and Adoration#40Cantemos al Señor (O sing unto the Lord)
Praise and Adoration#41He is exalted, the king is exalted on high
Praise and Adoration#42You are Lord of creation and Lord of my life
Praise and Adoration#43In our lives, Lord, be glorified
Praise and Adoration#44O God, to whom shall we go?
