Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Baptism | #1041 | Saviour! who thy flock art feeding | |
Baptism | #1042 | The Saviour kindly calls | |
Baptism | #1043 | Our children thou dost claim | |
Baptism | #1044 | Thou God of sovereign grace | |
Baptism | #1045 | Great God, now condescend | |
Baptism | #1046 | O God of Bethel, by whose hand | |
Baptism | #1047 | "Forbid them not," the Saviour cried | |
Baptism | #1048 | Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer | |
Baptism | #1049 | The promise of my Father's love | |
Baptism | #1050 | By cool Siloam's shady rill | |
Baptism | #1051 | Come, Holy Spirit, from on high | |
Baptism | #1052 | See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand | |
Baptism | #1053 | How large the promise! how divine! | |
Benevolence | #932 | God guard the poor! we may not see | |
Benevolence | #934 | When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay | |
Benevolence | #944 | Blest is the man whose softening heart | |
Benevolence | #960 | With my substance I will honor | |
Brotherly Love | #823 | Father, hear our humble claim | |
Brotherly Love | #825 | Jesus, Lord, we look to thee | |
Brotherly Love | #827 | Blesséd are the sons of God |