Browsing topics in Songs for the Sanctuary: or hymns and tunes for Christian Worship

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Afflictions#975O thou who driest the mourner's tear!
Afflictions#976One prayer I have—all prayers in one
Afflictions#977Jesus, my sorrow lies too deep
Afflictions#978Must Jesus bear the cross alone
Afflictions#979Jesus, in sickness and in pain
Afflictions#980When languor and disease invade
Afflictions#981If, through unruffled seas
Afflictions#982It is thy hand, my God
Afflictions#983When overwhelmed with grief
Afflictions#984How tender is thy hand
Afflictions#985My times are in thy hand
Afflictions#986Along my earthly way
Afflictions#987Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moan
Afflictions#988Be still, my heart! these anxious cares
Afflictions#989When adverse winds and waves arise
Afflictions#990At evening time let there be light
Afflictions#991When gathering clouds around I view
Afflictions#992My Jesus, as thou wilt!
Afflictions#993Thy way, not mine, O Lord
Afflictions#994My spirit longs for thee
