Browsing topics in Rejoice in the Lord

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Doxologies (Other, last verses of)#404O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
Doxologies (Other, last verses of)#500Gladly to God's holy temple
Faith and Aspiration#44Faith, while trees are still in blossom
Faith and Aspiration#60Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace
Faith and Aspiration#76O splendor of God's glory bright
Faith and Aspiration#96O Lord by thee delivered
Faith and Aspiration#114Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place through all the ages of our race
Faith and Aspiration#152Who trusts in God, a sure defense
Faith and Aspiration#153Whate'er my God ordains is right
Faith and Aspiration#154Be still, my soul
Faith and Aspiration#261Lord, teach us how to pray aright
Faith and Aspiration#355To God be the glory, great things he hath done
Faith and Aspiration#428O Master, let me walk with thee
Faith and Aspiration#437O for a closer walk with God
Faith and Aspiration#439O light that knew no dawn
Faith and Aspiration#442Make me a captive, Lord
Faith and Aspiration#443I need thee every hour
Faith and Aspiration#444Come down, O Love divine
Faith and Aspiration#445Spirit of God, descend upon my heart
Faith and Aspiration#446My faith looks up to thee
