Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #169 | Jesus, our hope, our heart's desire |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #170 | Christ, above all glory seated |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #171 | Jesus, hail, enthroned in glory |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #172 | Hail, thou once despised Jesus |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #173 | Mighty God! while angels bless thee |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #174 | Crown his head with endless blessing |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #175 | Jesus shall reign where'er the sun |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #176 | Lord, when thou didst ascend on high |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #177 | He lives, the great Redeemer lives |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Exaltation - Intercession | #178 | With transport, Lord, our souls proclaim |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Providence | #179 | I was a wondering sheep |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Providence | #180 | Jesus, my strength, my hope |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Providence | #181 | Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Resurrection | #153 | Angels, roll the rock away! |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Resurrection | #154 | Hail the day that sees him rise |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Resurrection | #155 | Christ the Lord is risen to-day |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Resurrection | #156 | Christ, the Lord is risen again |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Resurrection | #157 | Morning breaks upon the tomb |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Resurrection | #158 | Come every pious heart |
The Lord Jesus Christ | Resurrection | #159 | Yes, the Redeemer rose |