Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Christ | Desire of Nations | #1220 | Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart |
Christ | Desire of Nations | #1221 | Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake |
Christ | Desire of Nations | #1222 | Soon will the heavenly Bridegroom come |
Christ | Desire of Nations | #1223 | Hope of our hearts, O Lord, appear |
Christ | Divinity | #424 | Awake, awake the sacred song |
Christ | Divinity | #447 | O thou essential Word |
Christ | Divinity | #463 | He has come, the Christ of God |
Christ | Divinity | #464 | God with us, O glorious name |
Christ | Divinity | #465 | Bright and joyful is the morn |
Christ | Divinity | #470 | Before the heavens were spread abroad |
Christ | Divinity | #471 | All praise to Thee, eternal Lord |
Christ | Divinity | #476 | To us a Child of hope is born |
Christ | Divinity | #551 | Mighty God while angels bless thee |
Christ | Example | #184 | God of my mercy and my praise |
Christ | Example | #483 | I heard the voice of Jesus say |
Christ | Example | #484 | Majestic sweetness sits enthroned |
Christ | Example | #485 | The Saviour, O what endless charms |
Christ | Example | #486 | O see how Jesus trusts himself |
Christ | Example | #487 | Behold, where in a mortal form |
Christ | Example | #488 | A pilgrim through this lonely world |