Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Opening of Service | | #270 | Welcome, sweet day of rest |
Opening of Service | | #271 | O day of rest and gladness |
Opening of Service | | #272 | From every earthly pleasure |
Opening of Service | | #273 | Thine holy day's returning |
Opening of Service | | #274 | Welcome, delightful morn |
Opening of Service | | #275 | Awake, ye saints, awake and hail |
Opening of Service | | #276 | Now to thy sacred house |
Opening of Service | | #277 | Great God, this sacred day of thine |
Opening of Service | | #278 | Thy glory, Lord, the heavens declare |
Opening of Service | | #279 | Forth from the dark and stormy sky |
Opening of Service | | #280 | When, streaming from the eastern skies |
Opening of Service | | #281 | As panting in the sultry beam |
Opening of Service | | #282 | The Lord my pasture shall prepare |
Opening of Service | | #283 | Lord, we come before thee now |
Opening of Service | | #284 | To thy pastures fair and large |
Opening of Service | | #285 | To thy temple we repair |
Opening of Service | | #286 | Softly fades the twilight ray |
Opening of Service | | #287 | Light of life, seraphic fire, Love divine |
Opening of Service | | #288 | Sweet the time, exceeding sweet |
Opening of Service | | #289 | Christ, whose glory fills the skies |