Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Advent | #97 | The voice of God goes out to all the world | |
All Saints | #62 | Lord, we remember your people | |
Ascensión | #9 | Christ is alive! Let Christians sing | |
Ascensión | #28 | Glorious the day when Christ was born | |
Ascensión | #76 | Our Lord, his passion ended | |
Baptism | #59 | Lord Jesus, once a child | |
Baptism | #61 | Lord, you give to us | |
Bible | #18 | Deep in the shadows of the past | |
Canticles | #21 | You we praise as God | |
Canticles | #62 | Lord, we remember your people | |
Canticles | #86 | Blest are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heav'n | |
Canticles | #92 | Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! | |
Canticles | #110 | Glory to God in the highest | |
Canticles | #111 | Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might | |
Canticles | #111 | Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might | |
Canticles | #112 | Christ has died | |
Christian Life-Style | #38 | He that is down needs fear no fall | |
Christian Life-Style | #58 | Lord Jesus, if I love and serve my neighbour | |
Christian Life-Style | #72 | Now quit your care | |
Christmas | #6 | Awake from sleep, the night is spent! |