Browsing topics in Methodist Hymn-Book

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe Cross of Christ#168Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe Death of Christ#156O Thou eternal Victim, slain
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe Incarnation#147Sing, all in heaven, at Jesus' birth
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe Litany#118Saviour, when in dust to thee
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe Messiah, the Prince#123My heart and voice I raise
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe name of Jesus#112How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe offices of Christ#120Join all the glorious names
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe Priesthood of Christ#181Entered the holy place above
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe Resurrection of Christ#172He dies, the Friend of sinners dies!
The Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and WorkThe star in the East#146Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
