Browsing topics in The Lutheran Hymnary

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Beginning of Service#375Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!
Beginning of Service#376Gracious Spirit, Dove divine!
Beginning of Service#382Come, Holy Ghost, in love
Beginning of Service#426Come, O come, Thou quickening Spirit
Benevolence#274Thou to whom the sick and dying
Benevolence#449Lord of glory, Thou hast bought us
Benevolence#450O God of mercy, God of might
Benevolence#452O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
Benevolence#500Father, who on man dost shower
Brotherly Love#397Good and pleasant 'tis to see
Brotherly Love#405Behold, how good a thing
Brotherly Love#406How fair the Church of Christ shall stand
Brotherly Love#407Brethren, called by one vocation
Brotherly Love#412O Lord, how joyful 'tis to see
Brotherly Love#451Come, brethren, let us hasten on!
Children's ServiceChildren's Service#570We gather, we gather, dear Jesus, to bring
Children's ServiceChildren's Service#570We gather, we gather, dear Jesus, to bring
Children's ServiceChildren's Service#571Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Children's ServiceChildren's Service#571Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Children's ServiceChildren's Service#572Jesus, who calledst little ones to Thee
