Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Special Occasions | Corner-Stone Laying | #633 | O Lord of hosts, whose glory fills |
Special Occasions | Dedication | #634 | Come, Jesus, from the sapphire throne |
Special Occasions | Dedication | #635 | Here in Thy name, eternal God |
Special Occasions | Dedication | #636 | Great is the Lord, our God |
Special Occasions | Dedication | #637 | Founded on Thee, our only Lord |
Special Occasions | Dedication | #638 | In loud, exalted strains |
Special Occasions | Foreign Missionaries | #642 | Arise, O God, and shine |
Special Occasions | The Long-Meter Doxology | #644 | Praise God, from whom all blessings flow |
Special Occasions | Theological Institutions | #641 | One Thy Light, the Temple filling |
The Christian Home | Christian Education | #627 | Gracious Savior, gentle Shepherd |
The Christian Home | Christian Education | #628 | Shepherd of tender youth |
The Christian Home | Christian Education | #629 | Let children hear the mighty deeds |
The Christian Home | Christian Education | #630 | Ye parents, hear what Jesus taught |
The Christian Home | Christian Education | #631 | Savior, who Thy flock art feeding |
The Christian Home | Marriage | #620 | Lord, who at Cana's wedding-feast |
The Christian Home | Marriage | #621 | O Father all creating |
The Christian Home | Marriage | #622 | The voice that breathed o'er Eden |
The Christian Home | Marriage | #623 | O perfect Love, all human tho't transcending |
The Christian Home | The Family | #624 | O blessed home where man and wife |
The Christian Home | The Family | #625 | Oh, blest the house, whate'er befall |