Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Lent | Good Friday | #22 | O sacred Head, now wounded |
Lent | Good Friday | #23 | Were you there when they crucified my Lord? |
Lent | Good Friday | #24 | Of that branch in ancient Garden |
Matrimony | #65 | O perfect Love, all human thought transcending | |
Missions | #86 | Ye messengers of Christ | |
Mother of Christ | #61 | Hail, Queen of heaven | |
Mother of Christ | #62 | The God whom earth and sea and sky | |
Mother of Christ | #63 | Sing of Mary, pure and lowly | |
Offering | #46 | O love that nothing can efface | |
Offering | #47 | Accept this host, O God of Love | |
Offering | #48 | Accept from human hands anointed | |
Palm Sunday | #25 | All glory, laud and honor | |
Pentecost | #34 | Come down, O love divine | |
Pentecost | #35 | Creator Spirit, by whose aid | |
Praise | #76 | Declare, O heavens, the Lord of space | |
Praise | #77 | Sing Alleluia forth in loyal praise | |
Praise | #78 | For the beauty of the earth | |
Praise | #79 | Praise God, from whom all blessings flow | |
Praise | #80 | O God, Eternal Father From Thy high throne above | |
Praise | #81 | Full of glory, full of wonders |