Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Labor, Laborers | #886 | Lord of all hopefulness | |
Labor, Laborers | #905 | For the fruits of His creation | |
Last Things | #801 | Rejoice, rejoice, believers | |
Last Things | #867 | Thine the amen Thine the praise | |
Last Things | #876 | Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing | |
Lent | #810 | A stable lamp is lighted | |
Lent | #820 | Your heart, O God, is grieved | |
Lent | #821 | Deep were His wounds, and red | |
Lent | #822 | The Lamb, the Lamb, O Father, where's the sacrifice? | |
Lent | #823 | Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow | |
Lent | #824 | In silent pain the eternal Son | |
Lent | #859 | When I behold Jesus Christ | |
Lent | #860 | What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul! | |
Lesser Festivals | #803 | Magnificat, Magnificat | |
Lesser Festivals | #805 | The angel Gabriel from heaven came | |
Lesser Festivals | #880 | For all the faithful women | |
Lesser Festivals | #883 | Weary of all trumpeting | |
Lesser Festivals | #894 | With the angels and archangels | |
Lesser Festivals | #908 | Sing praise to the God of Israel! | |
Lesser Festivals | #909 | Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! |