Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Reflections at Sunset | | #944 | The mellow eve is gliding, serenely down the west |
Reflections for a New Year | | #887 | Remark my soul the narrow bounds |
Reign of Christ | | #311 | The radiant dawn of gospel light |
Rejoicing in Adversity | | #629 | What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe |
Rejoicing in God our Father | | #466 | Teach me, my God and King |
Rejoicing in God our Father | | #644 | Come shout aloud the Father's grace |
Rejoicing in God our Father | | #645 | The Lord of glory is my Light |
Rejoicing in God, our Father | | #644 | Come shout aloud the Father's grace |
Rejoicing in God, our Father | | #645 | The Lord of glory is my Light |
Rejoicing in God, our Father | | #646 | To thee, my God and Saviour |
Reliance for the Future | | #901 | Gracious Source of every blessing |
Reliance on God | | #609 | Affliction is a stormy deep |
Reliance on God | | #613 | Father of mercies, God of love |
Reliance on God | | #616 | To thee, my God, my days are known |
Reliance on God | | #617 | Through all the changing scenes of life |
Reliance on God | | #618 | From early dawning light |
Reliance on God | | #624 | No change of times shall ever shock my trust |
Reliance on God | | #626 | Whene'er the clouds of sorrow roll |
Reliance on God | | #627 | And art thou with us, gracious Lord |
Reliance on God | | #632 | O thou who diest the mourner's tear |