Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
The Church | Its Mission | #399 | Far and near the fields are teeming |
The Church | Its Mission | #400 | Christ for the world we sing |
The Church | Its Mission | #401 | Soldiers of Christ, arise |
The Church | Its Mission | #402 | Christ is the world's true Light |
The Church | Its Mission | #403 | Stand up, stand up for Jesus! |
The Church | Its Mission | #404 | I will sing of my Redeemer |
The Church | Its Mission | #405 | Rise up, O men of God! |
The Church | Its Mission | #407 | I will sing of my Redeemer |
The Church | Its Mission | #408 | I love Thy kingdom, Lord |
The Church | Its Mission | #410 | I love Thy kingdom, Lord |
The Church | Its Mission | #411 | Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying |
The Church | Its Mission | #412 | Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war |
The Church | Its Mission | #413 | Savior, teach me, day by day |
The Church | Its Mission | #414 | O Zion haste, thy mission high fulfilling |
The Church | Its Mission | #415 | Where cross the crowded ways of life |
The Church | Its Mission | #416 | Hark! The voice of Jesus calling |
The Church | Its Mission | #418 | Work, for the night is coming |
The Church | Its Mission | #419 | Brethren we have met to worship |
The Church | Its Mission | #420 | Brightly beams our Father's mercy |
The Church | Its Mission | #421 | Lead me to some soul today |