Browsing topics in Faith That Lets Us Sing: fifty new hymns and short worship songs

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Ministry#38Hope for a child is a home that's secure
Ministry#56Lord, may we see by faith and grace
Ministry#57Skillful hands and nimble fingers
Ministry#68Send us your Holy Spirit, God
Ministry#78Three cheers for our friends who, with talent and time
Ministry#84What joy it is to praise our God
Peace#39How God, who calls us each by name
Pilgrimage#80We are pilgrims on a journey
Praise#62Now thank we all our God
Praise#84What joy it is to praise our God
Prayer#50In the quiet of this place
Prayer#51May the mind of Christ, our Savior
PrayerBenediction#15God of hope, we leave this place,
PrayerTable Grace#66Risen Christ, come to our table
PsalmsPsalm 133#48How good and how joyous it is to be
PsalmsPsalm 137#40How can we sing our love for God
Repentance#60Love, light a candle in my heart
Repentance#86When Jesus came to Jericho
Stewardship28#28Creator God, how grand the earth
