Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Easter 2 | #361 | Faith is a living pow'r from heav'n | |
Easter 2 | #362 | Jesus I will never leave | |
Easter 2 | #363 | Thou art the Way; to Thee alone | |
Easter 2 | #364 | O for a faith that will not shrink | |
Easter 2 | #365 | O sing with exultation | |
Easter 2 | #366 | Ye sons and daughters of the King | |
Easter 3 | #367 | Gracious Savior, gentle Shepherd | |
Easter 3 | #368 | The Lord my faithful Shepherd is | |
Easter 3 | #369 | O bless the Lord, my soul | |
Easter 3 | #370 | The King of love, my Shepherd is | |
Easter 3 | #371 | The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want | |
Easter 4 | #372 | Jesus, Thy boundless love to me | |
Easter 4 | #373 | I know that my Redeemer | |
Easter 4 | #374 | If Thy beloved Son, O God | |
Easter 4 | #375 | O little flock, fear not the foe | |
Easter 4 | #376 | Rejoice, the Lord is King | |
Easter 4 | #377 | Why should cross and trial grieve me? | |
Easter 5 | #378 | Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice | |
Easter 5 | #379 | Jesus, Jesus, only Jesus | |
Easter 5 | #380 | When in our music God is glorified |