Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
The Church Year | Michaelmas | #122 | Lord God, we all give praise to Thee |
The Church Year | Michaelmas | #123 | Though angels bright escape our sight |
The Church Year | Michaelmas | #124 | Jesus, Brightness of the Father |
The Church Year | Michaelmas | #125 | Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright |
The Church Year | Mission | #160 | O come, Eternal Spirit |
The Church Year | Mission | #161 | O Christ, our true and only Light |
The Church Year | Mission | #162 | O Lord, our God, arise |
The Church Year | Mission | #163 | From Greenland's icy mountains |
The Church Year | Mission | #164 | Jesus shall reign where'er the sun |
The Church Year | Mission | #165 | Spread, O spread, thou mighty Word |
The Church Year | New Year | #43 | Jesus! shall our watchword be |
The Church Year | New Year | #44 | The year begins with Thee |
The Church Year | New Year | #45 | The old year now hath passed away |
The Church Year | New Year | #46 | The new-born Child this early morn |
The Church Year | New Year | #47 | Help us, O Lord! behold we enter |
The Church Year | New Year | #48 | In prayer your voices raise ye |
The Church Year | New Year | #49 | O Lord our Father, thanks to Thee |
The Church Year | New Year | #50 | Great God! we sing that mighty hand |
The Church Year | Passion | #60 | Ye saints, proclaim abroad |
The Church Year | Passion | #61 | Thee we adore, Eternal Word! |