Text Is Public Domain |
| | Psalm 32: I Turn to You, Lord | Happy the one whose sin is forgiven | I turn to you, Lord, in times of trouble and you fill me | | | English | Roy James Stewart | I turn to you, Lord, in times of ... | | Psalms | | | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B; Christian Initiation; Conversion; Evening; Forgiveness; Interfaith; Journey; Lent; Penance; Salvation; Sin; Suffering; Trial and Tribulation | | [Happy the one whose sin is forgiven] | | | | | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1494599 | 1 |
| | Like Olive Branches | Blessed those who fear the Lord | Like olive branches around the table (May the God of Israel join you in one) | | | English | Lucien Deiss, 1921-2007 | 1: Like olive branches around the table ... | | Psalm 128 | | | Marriage | | [Blessed those who fear the Lord] | | | | | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1497351 | 1 |
| | La familia cristiana | Dios ordenó la familia | Sujetaos unos a otros | | | Spanish | Felipe Blycker J. | Dios ordenó la familia, bendijo a los ... | | Psalm 128:5-6 | Basada en Efesios 5:21-6:4 | | Familia; Family; Hogar Cristiano; Christian Home; Matrimonio; Marriage | | SETECA | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1567428 | 1 |
| | Dichoso El Que Teme | ¡Dichoso el que teme al Señor | Dichoso el que teme al Señor | | | Spanish | Peggy Contreraz | | | Psalm 128 | | | Salmos/Psalms | | [¡Dichoso el que teme al Señor] | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1591773 | 1 |
| | Go Forward, Allen's Youth | Go forward, Allen's youth! | | | | English | William R. Wilkes, 1902-1979 | Go forward, Allen's youth! The future ... | | Psalm 128:1-2 | | | Occasional Services Founder's Day | | ST. THOMAS |  | | | | 1 | | 1 | 0 | 1601211 | 1 |
| | Allen's Youth Are Making Progress | Allen's youth are making progress | | | | English | | youth are making progress; That's what ... | Irregular | Psalm 128:1-2 | Songs of the Fifteenth Episcopal District | | Occasional Services Founder's Day | | FRIEND IN JESUS | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1601214 | 1 |
| | Dawn and the Light of Sunrise (Hana no akebo no) | Hana no akebo no (Dawn and the light of sunrise) | | | | English; Japanese | Tomotsune Yanagida; Sandra Fukunaga | - 1 Hana no akebo no tsuki no yuu, ... | | Psalm 128 | | | Faith and Trust; Images of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit Refuge and Strength; Thanksgiving | | ETENRAKU | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1645489 | 1 |
| | O Give Thanks to the LORD (Yao gan-xie Shang-Zhu) | Yao gan-xie Shang-Zhu (O give thanks to the LORD) | | | | Mandarin | I-to Loh; C. Michael Hawn | - Leader: 1 Yao gan-xie Shang-Zhu, in ... | | Psalms | | | Biblical Narrative; God in Creation and Providence Creator; God in Creation and Providence Providence and Goodness; Psalm; Thanksgiving | | MIHAMEK | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1646581 | 1 |
| | Blest Are All Who Fear the LORD | How blest are those who fear the LORD | blest are all who fear the LORD | | | English | Stephen P. Starke | How blest are those who fear the LORD, ... | | Psalm 128 | | | Ascents; Blessing; Boasting; Death; Family; Fathers; Happiness; Jerusalem; Joy; Love; Marriage; Prayer; Stewardship; Ten Commandments 4th Commandment (Honor your father and mother); Vocation; Wedding; Zion | | PUTNAM | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1690461 | 1 |
| | Blest Are Those Who Love You | Blessed are all who fear the LORD | Blest are those who love you | | | English | Marty Haugen | are those who love you, happy those who ... | | Psalm 128 | | | Ascents; Blessing; Boasting; Death; Family; Fathers; Happiness; Jerusalem; Joy; Love; Marriage; Prayer; Stewardship; Ten Commandments 4th Commandment (Honor your father and mother); Vocation; Wedding; Zion | | [Blest are those who love you] | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1690464 | 1 |
| | Dios Nos Bendiga/May God Bless Us | Felices los que temen al Señor | | | | English; Spanish | Gilbert C. Adauto, siglo XX | Dios nos bendiga, todos los días de ... | | Psalm 128:1-2 | | | Bendiciones; Celebraciones; Ritos de la Iglesia Matrimonio | | [Felices los que temen al Señor] | | | | | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1711003 | 1 |
| | Blest is each one that fears the Lord | Blest is each one that fears the Lord | | | | English | W. T. Dale | | | Psalm 128 | | | | | |  | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 1949141 | 1 |
| | ¡Dichosos todos los que honran al Señor! | ¡Dichosos todos los que honran al Señor! | | | | Spanish | | | | Psalm 128 | | | | | [Mode 2] | | | | | | | 1 | 0 | 2024953 | 1 |