Text Is Public Domain |
| | For the Fruit of All Creation | For the fruit of all creation | | | | English | Fred Pratt Green | For the fruit of all creation, thanks ... | | Matthew 20:1-16 | | | Creation; Labor; Occasional Services Thanksgiving/Harvest; Stewardship of Nature; Thankfulness; Time; Elements of Worship Forgiviness and Grace | | AR HYD Y NOS |    | 152607 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 72 | 0 | 1160230 | 7 |
| | The Servant Song | Brother, sister, let me serve you | | | | English | Richard Gillard | Brother, sister, let me serve you, let ... | | Matthew 20:26 | | | Grace Social Holiness; The Nature of the Church United in Christ | | THE SERVANT SONG | | | | | 1 | | 53 | 0 | 40620 | 6 |
| | From heaven you came, helpless babe | From heaven you came, helpless babe | | | | English | Graham Kendrick (b. 1950) | From heaven you came, helpless babe, ... | Irregular | Matthew 20:25-28 | | | Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Passion and Death; Christian Year Good Friday; Christian Year Holy Week; Christian Year Maundy Thursday; Service | | THE SERVANT KING | | | | | | | 17 | 0 | 999494 | 6 |
| | Kyrie - II (Lord, Have Mercy) | Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. (Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy) | | | | English | | Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison. Kyrie ... | | Matthew 20:30 | Traditional | | Liturgical Music; Children's Songs; Kyrie | | [Kyrie eleison] |   | | | 1 | 1 | | 280 | 0 | 951170 | 5 |
| | O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee | O Master, let me walk with thee | | | | | Washington Gladden, 1836-1918 | | | Matthew 20:26-28 | | | 22nd Sunday after Pentecost; Confirmation; Discipleship; Empowerment; Patience; Work and Leisure | | MARYTON |  | | | 1 | 1 | | 585 | 0 | 1173613 | 3 |
| | Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service | Lord, whose love in humble service | | | | English | Albert F. Bayly, 1901-1984 | Lord, whose love in humble service ... | D | Matthew 20:25-28 | | | Chrism Mass; Burdens; Commissioning; Commitment; Compassion; Discipleship; Gathering; Life; Life in Christ, Christian Life; Ministry; Mission; Redemption; Going Forth, Sending Forth; Service; Social Concern | | BEACH SPRING | | | | | 1 | 1 | 50 | 0 | 1182926 | 3 |
| | En La Viña Del Señor | Yo quiero trabajar por el Señor | Trabajar y orar | I Want to Be a Worker | English | Spanish | P. Grado | | | Matthew 20:1-17 | | | | | [Yo quiero trabajar por el Señor] | | | | | 1 | | 18 | 0 | 1636138 | 3 |
| | Make Me a Servant | Make me a servant, humble and meek | | | | English | Kelly Willard | me a servant, humble and meek, Lord, ... | Irregular | Matthew 20:26 | | | Christian Service | | SERVANT | | | | | | | 14 | 0 | 17186 | 3 |
| | Father of heaven, whose love profound | Father of heaven, whose love profound | | | | English | Edward Cooper (1770-1833) | Father of heaven, whose love profound a ... | | Matthew 20:28 | | | Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Penitence; The Being of God Holy and One; God in Trinity | | RIVAULX |   | | | | 1 | | 243 | 0 | 1001491 | 2 |
| | Your Hands, O Lord, in Days of Old | Your hands, O Lord, in days of old | | | | English | Edward Hayes Plumptre, 1821-1891 | Your hands, O Lord, in days of old ... | D | Matthew 20:34 | | | Brevity & Frailty of Life; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Sickness & Health; Afflictions; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Sickness & Health | | ST. MICHAEL'S |     | 222216 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 178 | 1 | 3024 | 2 |
| | Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love | Kneels at the feet of his friends | Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love | | | English | Tom Colvin, 1925- | | Irregular with refrain | Matthew 20:20-28 | | | Holy Week (Maundy Thursday); Servanthood; Christian Life | | CHEREPONI |  | | | 1 | 1 | | 64 | 0 | 1142572 | 2 |
| | Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain | Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain | | | | English | John Macleod Campbell Crum (1872-1958) | Now the green blade riseth from the ... | 11.10.10 with refrain | Matthew 20:19 | | | Life in Christ Christ Risen - Resurrection and Exaltation; Christian Year Easter; Grief | | NOEL NOUVELET | | | | | 1 | | 63 | 0 | 1000357 | 2 |
| | Lord, we have come at your own invitation | Lord, we have come at your own invitation | | | | English | Frederick Pratt Green (1903-2000) | Lord, we have come at your own ... | | Matthew 20:26-27 | | | The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Confirmation; Holy Communion | | EPIPHANY |  | | | 1 | 1 | | 8 | 0 | 1003993 | 2 |
| | King of kinds and Lord of lords | He came to earth, not to be served | King of kinds and Lord of lords | | | English | John Pantry (b. 1946) | He came to earth, not to be served, but ... | Irregular | Matthew 20:28 | | | Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Passion and Death; Adoration Of Jesus | | KING OF KINGS | | | | | | | 4 | 0 | 999905 | 2 |
| | Jesus, Lover of My Soul | Jesus, lover of my soul | | | | English | Charles Wesley | Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to thy ... | D | Matthew 20:16 | | | Comfort & Encouragement; Sickness & Health; Walk with God; Comfort & Encouragement; Grace; Hope; Lord's Supper; Pilgrimage & Conflct; Refuge; Sanctification; Sickness & Health; Walk with God | | ABERYSTWYTH |     | 222268 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 3269 | 1 | 4013 | 1 |
| | Just as I Am, Without One Plea | Just as I am, without one plea | O Lamb of God, I come, I come | | | English | Charlotte Elliott | Just as I am, without one plea, but ... | | Matthew 20:30 | | | Jesus Christ Blood of; Jesus Christ Lamb; Jesus Christ Savior; Occasional Services Dedication of Holy Living; Elements of Worship Confession | | WOODWORTH |     | 152755 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 2181 | 1 | 1158202 | 1 |
| | Hark! the Herald Angels Sing | Hark! the herald angels sing | Hark! the herald angels sing | | | English | Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 | Hark! the herald angels sing: "Glory to ... | D with refrain | Matthew 20:28 | | | The Liturgical Year Christmas (Days of); The Liturgical Year Mary, the Holy Mother of God | | MENDELSSOHN |    | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1348 | 0 | 1500919 | 1 |
| | There's a Wideness in God's Mercy | There's a wideness in God's mercy | | | | English | Frederick W. Faber | There’s a wideness in God’s mercy ... | | Matthew 20:16 | | | The Glory of the Triune God God's Nature; The Glory of the Triune God God's Nature; Adoration and praise; Call to the Christian Life; Forgiveness; Freedom and Liberation; Grace; Jesus Christ Blood; Justice; Mercy; Presence (Holy Spirit) | | WELLESLEY |    | 198952 | | 1 | 1 | | 908 | 0 | 11638 | 1 |
| | Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus | Come, thou long-expected Jesus | | | | English | Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 | Come, thou long-expected Jesus, Born to ... | | Matthew 20:28 | | | Second Coming; The Liturgical Year Advent (Sundasy and Weekdays) | | STUTTGART |    | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 755 | 0 | 1500741 | 1 |
| | Break Now the Bread of Life | Break now the bread of life | | | | English | Mary A. Lathbury; Alexander Groves, 1842-1909 | Break now the bread of life, dear Lord, ... | D | Matthew 20:30-34 | | | Biblical Names and Places Galilee; Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ Bread of Life; Jesus Christ Miracles; Jesus Christ Truth; Hymns That Are Prayer; Responses To Scripture; Elements of Worship Hearing the Word; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination | | BREAD OF LIFE |     | 222055 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 741 | 1 | 1157463 | 1 |