Text Is Public Domain |
| | The Lord Is My Light | The Lord is my light and my salvation | Whom shall I fear, whom shall I fear? | | | English | Lillian Bouknight | The Lord is my light and my salvation; ... | | John 8:12 | | | Difficult Times; God As Light; Occasional Services Anniversary; Waiting | | THE LORD IS MY LIGHT |  | 152633 | | | 1 | | 15 | 0 | 1159709 | 1 |
| | How Shall They Hear the Word of God | How shall they hear the word of God | | | | English | Michael Perry, b. 1942 | How shall they hear the word of God ... | | John 8:32 | | | Commissioning; Going Forth; Ministry; Mission; Word of God | | AUCH JETZT MACHT GOTT |   | | | 1 | 1 | | 15 | 0 | 1295370 | 1 |
| | I Am Content! My Jesus Lives Again | I am content! My Jesus lives again | | | | English | Johann J. Möller, 1660-1733; August Crull, 1845-1923 | I am content! My Jesus lives again, in ... | | John 8:12 | | | Easter | | ES IST GENUG |   | | | | 1 | | 15 | 1 | 1675539 | 1 |
| | Light of life, so softly shining | Light of life, so softly shining | | | | English | Horatius Bonar | | with repeat | John 8:12 | | | Hymns for the Young Prayer | | LIGHT OF LIFE |  | | | | 1 | | 14 | 0 | 968035 | 1 |
| | Jesus, the everlasting Word | Jesus, the everlasting Word | | | | English | Josiah Conder 1790-1855 | | | John 8:26 | | | The Son His Name and Praise | | SUPREMACY | | | | | 1 | | 14 | 0 | 2008977 | 1 |
| | El Señor es mi luz (The Lord Is My Light) | Una cosa pido al Señor (One request, Lord, I make of you) | El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación (The Lord is my light, my help and salvation) | | | English; Spanish | Mary Louise Bringle | The Lord is my light, my help and ... | | John 8:12 | | | God As Light; God's Protection; God's Salvation; Elements of Worship Profession of Faith | | EL SEÑOR ES MI LUZ |  | 157876 | | | 1 | | 13 | 0 | 1157153 | 1 |
| | Oh Buen Jesús, You Creo Firmemente (Lord Jesus Christ, My Faith Has This Foundation) | Oh buen Jesús, yo creo firmemente (Lord Jesus Christ, my faith has this foundation) | | | | English; Spanish | Anónima; Mary Louise Bringle, n. 1953 | | | John 8:12 | | | Solemnities of the Lord Most Holy Body and Blood of christ; Solemnidades del Señor Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo; Rites of the Church Eucharist; Ritos de la Iglesia Eucaristía; Rites of the Church Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction; Ritos de la Iglesia Adoración y Bendición Eucaristica; Alegría; Joy; Amor de Dios para Nosotros; Love of God for Us; Confianza; Trust; Discipleship; Discipulado; Esperanza; Hope; Faith; Fe; Grace; Gracia; Guía; Guidance; Hambre y Sed; Hunger and Thirst; Humildad; Humility; Life; Vida; Light; Luz; Mercy; Misericordia; Pastor; Shepherd; Petition/Prayer; Súplica/Oración; Providence; Providencia; Reconciliación; Reconciliation; Sacrifice; Sacrificio | | OH BUEN JESÚS | | | | | | 1 | 13 | 0 | 1264635 | 1 |
| | Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness | Soul, adorn yourself with gladness | | | | English | Johann Franck, 1618-1677 | Soul, adorn yourself with gladness, ... | D | John 8:12 | Tr. Lutheran Book of Worship (1978) | | Gifts of the Spirit; Christ--Invitation of; Gifts of the Spirit; Holy Communion; Joy | | SCHMÜCKE DICH | | | | | 1 | | 13 | 0 | 1271711 | 1 |
| | Años mi alma en vanidad vivió | Años mi alma en vanidad vivió | Mi alma allí divina gracia halló | | | Spanish | William R. Newell; G. P. Simmonds | Años mi alma en vanidad vivió, ... | | John 8:31-36 | | | Confesión de Cristo; Testimony; Testimonio del Cristiano; Christian's Testimony | | CALVARY |   | | | | 1 | | 13 | 1 | 1563140 | 1 |
| | I Want to Be Ready (Walk in Jerusalem Just Like John) | O John, O John, what did you say? | I want to be ready | | | English | | I want to be ready, I want to be ... | Irregular | John 8:31 | Traditional Spiritual | | The Christian Life Death and Life Eternal; Victory | | WALK IN JERUSALEM |  | | | | 1 | | 13 | 0 | 1600480 | 1 |
| | In Adam We Have All Been One | In Adam we have all been one | | | | English | Martin H. Franzmann, 1907-76 | In Adam we have all been one, One huge ... | | John 8:31-36 | | | Society | | THE SAINTS' DELIGHT | | | | | 1 | | 12 | 0 | 944347 | 1 |
| | God Loves Me Dearly | God loves me dearly | Therefore I'll say again | | | English | August Rische, 1819-1906 | God loves me dearly, grants me ... | with refrain | John 8:34-36 | Tr. composite | | Grace | | GOTT IST DIE LIEBE |    | | | 1 | 1 | | 12 | 1 | 1676873 | 1 |
| | Alabanza a Ti, Oh Cristo | Alabanza a ti, oh Cristo | | | | Spanish | | a ti, oh Cristo, rey de eterna gloria. ... | | John 8:12 | | | Otros Cantos del Ordinario Versículo Antes del Evangelio; Other Chants of the Ordinary Verse before the Gospel | | [Alabanza a ti, oh Cristo] | | | | | | 1 | 12 | 0 | 1702816 | 1 |
| | Show up in unbelief | Light of the Gentile world appear | | | | English | | | | John 8:12 | | | The Sinner Penitential | | |  | | | | | | 11 | 1 | 544998 | 1 |
| | Bright and Glorious Is the Sky | Bright and glorious is the sky | | | | English | Nikolai F. S. Grundvig; Jens C. Aaberg | Bright and glorious is the sky, radiant ... | | John 8:12 | Service Book and Hymnal (1958), alt. | | Epiphany; Christian year--Epiphany | | DEJLIG ER DEN HIMMEL BLAA | | | | | 1 | | 11 | 0 | 1258868 | 1 |
| | As Morning Breaks | O God, you are my God, for you I long | As morning breaks I look to you | | | English | Michael Joncas | As morning breaks I look to you; I ... | | John 8:12 | Antiphon from Liturgy of the Hours | | Blessing; Faith Journey; Feast; Feast; God's Presence; God's Presence; Liturgy of the Hours Psalm 63; Sacraments/Rites Anointing of the Sick; Order of Christian Funerals Funeral Liturgy; Thirsting for God; Thirsting for God; Trust in God | | [O God, you are my God, for you I long] | | | | | | | 11 | 0 | 1310916 | 1 |
| | Bread of life, hope of the world | As we proclaim your death | Bread of life, hope of the world | | | English | Bernadette Farrell, b. 1957 | | | John 8:32 | | | | | [As we proclaim your death] | | | | | | | 11 | 0 | 1336509 | 1 |
| | Fairest Lord Jesus | Fairest Lord Jesus | | | | English | Joseph Augustus Seiss, 1823-1904 | Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord of all ... | | John 8:12-18 | Anon., Münster, 1677 | | Creation; Devotion; Jesus Christ Humanity; Jesus Christ Redeemer; Joy; Social Justice | | ST ELISABETH | | | | | 1 | | 11 | 0 | 1361113 | 1 |
| | Tan triste y tan lejos de Dios | Tan triste y tan lejos de Dios | Yo todo dejé para andar en la luz | The Haven of Rest | English | Spanish | Henry L. Gilmour (1836-1920); T. Harwood | | | John 8:12 | | | El evangelio Invitación; The gospel Invitation | | [Tan triste y tan lejos de Dios] | | | | | 1 | | 11 | 1 | 1659999 | 1 |
| | Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace | Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace | | | | English | Anonymous | Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, ... | | John 8:36 | | | Waiting upon God ; The Christian Life Peace and Joy; Forgiveness of Sins; Regeneration | | FÜRCHTE DICH NICHT |  | | | | 1 | | 10 | 0 | 10811 | 1 |